Christian Wood
Electrical/Computer Engineering Transfer
Christian Wood came to Delaware Tech to pursue a fulfilling career in computer engineering. "Delaware Tech is a short distance from where I live, the students and faculty treat me with respect, and my major will allow me to transfer to the University of Delaware to get my bachelor's degree in computer engineering."
His interest in computer engineering started at a young age. "I watched videos of people creating computers and I always found it fascinating when they built something from nothing." He knows that technology is a rapidly growing field, which is why he chose to join Delaware Tech's electrical/computer engineering transfer program.
Christian has faced many challenges throughout his life, including familial issues and challenges in grade school. "I struggled academically, especially in high school.” Since starting his journey in higher education, though, Christian has become motivated to succeed. "I'm more determined in getting better grades and taking my classes seriously than I did in when I was younger." He is involved in many activities and clubs, such as the Student Government Association (SGA) and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society. "I held leadership positions for these clubs – VP of Communication for PTK and Secretary for SGA. Being a part of PTK made me pursue other opportunities like being the Delaware State President of the Middle-States Region (of PTK). I never thought I would see myself doing so many diverse activities."
Christian advises other students to become involved in campus activities and clubs. "I believe it will further your maturity and teach you valuable leadership skills you can use after graduation." After graduating from Delaware Tech, Christian plans to transfer to the University of Delaware and pursue a career at Boeing.

Program of Study
Electrical/Computer Engineering Transfer
Nominated by Mike McCloskey, academic counselor, Phi Theta Kappa advisor, and Student Government Association advisor.